Meet Lizzie Darwin

Lizzie's journey kicked off during the pandemic after graduating from Baylor University. Unsure about the future, she turned to graphic design to make some cash while figuring things out. This side hustle led her to the world of 3D shadow box butterflies.

It all started when a friend asked for a custom 3D butterfly piece. Despite it being different from her usual digital work, Lizzie took the challenge, nailed it, and fell in love with the process. That first butterfly became the spark for Modern Muse, where the aim is not just to make cool visuals but to infuse meaning into each design.

Modern Muse officially launched in 2020, and it's been evolving ever since. The butterfly theme isn't just a visual choice; it's a symbol of entrepreneurship—a journey filled with trial and error, just like a butterfly's growth. Lizzie's background in new media journalism and global affairs adds some academic depth to the creative mix.

What makes Modern Muse stand out? Lizzie's all about authenticity and meaning. While you'll find 3D shadow box butterflies in the catalog, the real magic happens with custom orders. Working closely with clients, Lizzie crafts designs that mirror their style and taste, giving them the freedom to be their own muse. The hashtag #authenticaf sums up this commitment to genuine, personalized designs.

Modern Muse isn't just about art; it's a nod to independence, represented by the hashtag #BEUROWNMUSE. Each creation tells a story of empowerment.